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Theorems of Information Literacy: A mathematical-like approach to the discourse of Information Literacy

Auteur : Basili Carla
Année de Publication : 0
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Aspects économiques, politiques et sociaux

Résumé/Sommaire :

The paper recognises that the universe of discourse on Information Literacy (IL) has to be stratified into different layers. The proposed stratification can be of use both for a theoretical systematisation of the issue and for identifying a sequence of measures aimed at an effective propagation of a Culture of Information.

The paper presents a mathematical-like approach, which starts proposing the definitions of some basic concepts and then proceeds with 10 propositions or theses, each supported by a number of argumentations.

The proposed theses are generated by the following perspectives of analysis of the Information Literacy phenomenon, and accordingly grouped:

a) DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVE: analysis of Information Literacy as Culture of Information and as a form of study of information;

b) SOCIAL/POLITICAL PERSPECTIVE: analysis of Information Literacy as an educational policy goal;

c) COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE: analysis of Information Literacy as a form of personal competence.

As a consequence of the proposed theses, the following foci of the Information Literacy discourse are identified:

- Information Literacy rationale (theses 1,2,3);

- Policy awareness (theses 4,5,6);

- Planning and implementation (theses 7,8,9);

• Individual development (thesis 10).

Against this background, the paper will explore how the distinction between different stratifications – by trying to give an order to the reasoning about the issues concerning literacy in information – can facilitate the identification of a set of variables to be taken into account in defining a coherent strategy towards making Information Literacy legitimate within the European Higher Education context.

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