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The role of the infomediary in an economic intelligence process

Auteur : Knauf Audrey, David Amos
Année de Publication : 2004
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Intelligence économique

Résumé/Sommaire :

The infomediary takes an increasingly significant place in the information society and more particularly in the activity of economic intelligence (EI). Even if his objectives are well established, the various necessary activities to achieve them are to be clarified. Also in the digital era where automated tools are omnipresent, it is necessary to examine, when, how and why the infomediary in an EI process? Our study is on the analysis of the role of the infomediary within the human and material environments so as to understand his influence on the actors in the EI process. Our aim is therefore to understand what he does more than the watcher, whose roles seem to be more understood.

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