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Business intelligence systems and user's parameters : an application to a documents' database

Auteur : Afolabi Babajide, Thiery Odile
Date de publication : 30/07/2005
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Intelligence économique

Résumé/Sommaire :

This article presents earlier results of our research works in the area of modeling Business Intelligence Systems. The basic idea of this research area is presented first. We then show the necessity of including certain users’ parameters in Information systems that are used in Business Intelligence systems in order to integrate a better response from such systems. We identified two main types of attributes that can be missing from a base and we showed why they needed to be included. A user model that is based on a cognitive user evolution is presented. This model when used together with a good definition of the information needs of the user (decision maker) will accelerate his decision making process.

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