Collectivite Auteur :
Cities Alliance
Date de publication : 01/10/2007
Année de Publication :
Type : Rapport
Thème : Urbanisme
Couverture :
A successful city cannot operate efficiently in isolation from its environment. It must balance social, economic and environmental needs. A successful city must offer investors security, infrastructure and efficiency, and should also put the needs of its citizens at the forefront of all its planning activities. Poor urban planning and management can have grave results for the urban economy, the environment and society. Poorly managed urban settlements will be unable to keep pace with urban expansion, and unserviced slums will proliferate, bringing with them poor health, poverty, social unrest and economic inefficiency.
Sustainable development is multi-dimensional. It requires an understanding of complex and often conflicting relationships. These issues call for an integrated approach and an integration culture. A variety of strategic approaches to integrating the environment into the urban planning process exist. Cities can also use different instruments to integrate the environment into urban planning and management approaches : policy instruments, process instruments, planning instruments and management instruments. The report also outlines the information which urban managers should receive from support programmes to assist them in the development of their urban development strategies. Twelve case studies of cities that have worked to integrate the environment into their planning processes, contained in the annex to this publication are drawn from throughout the world.