Auteur :
María Ana,
Leroy de la Brière
...[et al.]
Année de Publication :
Type : Rapport
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc
1- Ending Extreme Poverty: Progress, but Uneven and Slowing
- Monitoring extreme poverty: A quarter century of progress
- Nowcasts and forecasts to 2030
- Uneven progress: A regional profile of poverty reduction
- Drilling down: The countries with the most poor
- Drilling down: Africa and fragile and conflict-affected countries
- Socioeconomic and demographic profile of global poverty
2- Shared Prosperity: Mixed Progress
- Beyond extreme poverty: A focus on the bottom 40
- Continued progress in most economies though some are falling short
- The poorest countries have limited information about shared prosperity
- Growth at the bottom and the top is not always even
- Who are the bottom 40?
- Monitoring the twin goals
3- Higher Standards for a Growing World
- Higher poverty lines for everyone: US$3.20 and US$5.50 a day
- Higher lines tailored to country circumstances: Societal poverty
- Why not simply use national poverty lines?
4- Beyond Monetary Poverty
- Why look beyond monetary poverty?
- Considerations for constructing multidimensional poverty measures
- A first global picture
- A deeper look
5- Inside the Household: Poor Children, Women, and Men
- Beyond headship: Gender and age profiles of the global poor
- Differences in resources and poverty within households
- An individual perspective on multidimensional poverty