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Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic : Gender relevance of the 19th ICLS statistical standards

Collectivite Auteur : ILO
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Rapport
Thème : Société

Résumé/Sommaire :

- In October 2013 updated statistical standards were adopted at the 19th ICLS. The standards create a wider framework of statistics on work and labour, establishing the base for more gender relevant analysis. The need for this has never been higher given the unequal effect of the COVID-19 crisis on women’s and men’s working lives.
- Data collected during an extensive round of pilot studies highlights the analytical power created to understand differences in women’s and men’s work and how this impacts labour market engagement. As one example this shows that women are more likely to engage in multiple forms of work, do more unpaid work, and have a higher total work burden when paid and unpaid work are counted.
- Achieving the analytical potential requires the implementation of the 19th ICLS standards and the mainstreaming of measurement of different forms of work.

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