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Gender Inequalities on the Labour Market in North Africa : Issues, Estimates and Benchmarking of Inclusiveness

Auteur : Gherbi Hassiba, Adair Philippe, Benhaddad Amina ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2019
Type : Rapport
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The paper designs a pooled sample of almost 3,027 active people from the Sahwa dataset using a common questionnaire carried out in 2015 among 7,816 Algerian, Egyptian, Moroccan and Tunisian youth aged 15 to 29. The research question is the determinants of youth employment, more specifically youth gender inequalities in North Africa with respect to the formal/informal segmentation. A binary logistic model first investigates these determinants of access to the formal and informal labour market segments. Next, a Mincer earnings function focuses upon gender distribution over the formal/informal employment divide. Quantile regressions highlight the patterns of wage distribution according to gender wage differentials and labour market segmentation. Last, an Oaxaca-Ransom decomposition model gauges the gender wage gap, which remains mostly unexplained. Conclusion recaps key findings and points out the limited scope of this report.

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