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Gender equality and citizenship : Perceptions, experiences, and performances among socially engaged people in Rabat

Auteur : Thijssen Chiara, Mes Anouck
Collectivite Auteur : Universiteit Utrecht
Date de publication : 26/06/2019
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1. Gender, citizenship, and resistance
1.1 Gender
1.1.1 Definition of gender
1.1.2 Feminist critiques
1.2 Gendered spheres
1.2.1 The public sphere
1.2.2 The private sphere
1.2.3 The virtual sphere
1.3 Citizenship
1.3.1 Substantive citizenship
1.3.2 Politics of belonging
1.3.3 Different scales of citizenship
1.3.4 Gendered citizenship
1.4 Resistance and social change
1.4.1 Two elements of resistance
1.4.2 Overt resistance
1.4.3 Covert resistance
1.5 Conclusion
Chapter 2. Rabat, city of many faces
2.1 Feminist traditions and the 2004 Mudawana reforms
2.2 Social and cultural dynamics in the context of Rabat
2.2.1 Culture of shame and Judgement
2.2.2 Religion
2.3 Urban setting of Rabat
Chapter 3. Perceptions of gender equality
3.1 Femininity and masculinity
3.2 Perceptions of current situation regarding gender equality
3.3 Perceptions of change
3.4 The Continuum of gender equality
3.5 Conclusion
Chapter 4. Experiences and performances of gender relations
4.1 The learning environment
4.2 The Work environment
4.3 Public epace
4.4 The private ephere
4.5 The virtual ephere
4.6 Performance of resistance
4.7 Conclusion
Chapter 5. Gender equality and citizenship
5.1 Feelings of belonging
5.2 Feelings of not belonging
5.3 Substantive citizenship
5.4 Other factors influencing experience of citizenship
5.5 Influence of gender on the experience of citizenship
5.6 Resistance and citizenship
5.7 Conclusion
Conclusion and discussion
Perceptions of gender equality
Experiences and performances of gender relations
Gender equality and citizenship
Limitations and recommendations

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