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Micro and macro-level determinants of women’s employment in six MENA countries

Auteur : Spierings Niels, Smits Jeroen, Verloo Mieke
Année de Publication : 2008
Type : Etude
Thème : Société

Résumé/Sommaire :

Determinants of women’s employment are studied using data for 65,000 women living in 103 districts of six Arab countries. At the household level, socio-economic factors, care duties, and values are most important, and at the district-level economic development and gender equality. Women’s education clearly takes in a key position. Interaction analysis shows the effect of education to be stronger for women with less care duties and women married to higher educated partners. This last finding suggests a ceiling effect of
husband’s socio-economic status on wives’ achievements. Returns to education are also higher in more traditional districts. Our results stress the importance of education as a major road towards women’s empowerment in these countries.

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