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Higher Education and Inclusion of Women in Labor Markets and in Business Development in Morocco

Auteur : Gamar Alae, Driouchi Ahmed
Date de publication : 22/08/2014
Type : Article
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This paper focuses on the inclusion of women in the Moroccan labor markets and businesses through the role of higher education. The paper is based on a descriptive analysis of enrollment in the tertiary education, graduation, business creation, employment and school attainment over the period 1990-2012. This research investigates also the dynamic processes pursued by each variable in relation to gender. It then analyzes the relationships between education and the inclusion of women in the labor markets and businesses. The attained results show that higher education has a statistically significant positive influence on the inclusion of women in the labor market and in business creation. Schooling of women with higher education attainment is an important instrument to be promoted for further inclusion of women in the economy of Morocco.

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