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From household production to labor marketization : women’s arduous transition in Morocco

Auteur : Loukili Sara
Date de publication : 06/12/2023
Type : Thèse / Mémoire
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This dissertation builds on the large literature of new household economics and on growth and structural transformation, trying to address the issue of low female labor supply in Morocco. It attempts to enlarge the scope of existing knowledge on this issue. First, it examines the contribution of paid and unpaid work to the economy highlighting the demographic and gender dividends. The tradeoffs between household markets and labor markets constitute a focus area for analysis. Second, it provides empirical examination of the collective labor supply model and the role of intra-household bargaining between spouses. Further, it examines the role of gender positive policies in balancing intra-household bargaining power and their incidence on women’s labor supply.

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