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Divorce Reform in Egypt and Morocco : Men and Women Navigating Rights and Duties

Auteur : Sonneveld Nadia
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Article
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This essay focuses on recent divorce reforms in Egypt (2000) and Morocco (2004), with equal attention to the positions of men and women who end their marriages. Whereas in Egypt, non-consensual, no-fault divorce reform (khul‘) is open only to women, in Morocco, another form of non-consensual, no-fault divorce, shiqāq, is open to both women and men, with men using it almost as frequently as women. Based on legal analysis and anthropological fieldwork, I consider first how men and women navigate rights and duties in divorce and then examine the differences between the two countries in the way men and women try to obtain divorce. I conclude that when both men and women are given opportunities for non-consensual, no fault divorce, highly genderspecific divorce regimes, such as the ṭalāq and taṭlīq, quickly lose their popularity.

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