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The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World

Auteur : Di Giovanni Patrizia, Elder James, Ena Ephantus ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Société
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1: DIGITAL OPPORTUNITY : The promise of connectivity
- Education and learning in a digital world
- What do adolescents think about … how schools are preparing them for the digital age?
- Giving children a voice in their communities
- What do adolescents think about … using ICTs to drive social change?
- Online my wheelchair is invisible
- Pointing the way forward
- Special Section: How ICTs are supporting humanitarian action
Chapter 2 : DIGITAL DIVIDES : Missed opportunities
Who are the unconnected children?
A persistent gender gap
What do adolescents think about the barriers that stop them from going online?
Once connected, how do you use?
Pointing the way forward
Special Section: What do connected children do online?
Chapter 3 : DIGITAL DANGERS : The harms of life online
- Three forms of risk : Content, contact, conduct
- Cyberbullying : “Nobody deserves this”
- Online child sexual abuse and exploitation
- Which children are most vulnerable?
- What do adolescents think about online risks and harms
- Preventing harm in the digital age
- Pointing the way forward
- Special Section: Protecting children’s privacy online
Chapter 4 : DIGITAL CHILDHOODS : Living online
- A new generation gap
- What do adolescents think about :the impact of ICTs on families?
- Being online and well-being: The evidence
- The debate over digital dependency
- This is your child’s brain on digital
- What do adolescents think about technology and health in the digital age?
Chapter 5 : DIGITAL PRIORITIES : Harness the good, limit the harm

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