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Epidemiological analysis of burns in hammams : assessment of prognosis and economic impact in Marrakech

Auteur : Assabbane M. N., Sahir M., Elatiqi O. ...[ et al]
Date de publication : 20/06/2024
Type : Article
Thème : Santé
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Burns from hammams, although less common than other types of burns, are a particular concern in regions where hammams or Moorish baths are widely frequented, such as in Marrakech, Morocco. The burn center at ARRAZI Hospital, part of the Mohamed VI University Hospital Center in Marrakech, admitted 22 patients with burns from hammams out of a total of 403 burn patients over the past four years, resulting in a prevalence of 5.45% among the total
burn population during this period. The most affected population in our study is elderly men with a history of cardiovascular conditions or associated risk factors. The burns are often deep and extensive, with more than 20% of Total Body Surface Area (TBSA) affected in 27% of our sample. The most commonly affected areas are the gluteal region followed by the posterior trunk. The consequences of these burns are significant both in terms of prognosis and economic impact. Although the prevalence is low, the impact is substantial. Therefore, prevention is essential to avoid the health and economic complications that result from these incidents in hammams.

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