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The Effects of Hypertension and Obesity on Total Health Care Expenditures of Diabetes Patients in the United States

Auteur : Condiffe Simon, Link Charles, Pollack Michael F., [ al.]
Année de Publication : 2012
Type : Etude
Thème : Santé
Couverture : Etats-Unis d'Amérique

Résumé/Sommaire :

We identify a representative sample of U.S. diabetes patients with co morbid hypertension and evaluate health care expenditures in this population across BMI strata. The underlying hypothesis is that the presence of co morbid obesity and hypertension poses an additional burden on patients with diabetes, thus impacting their overall resource utilization. That is, hypertension and obesity in combination have a greater adverse impact on health care expenditures than individually. More than one-third of diabetes patients suffer from co morbid obesity and hypertension, which outnumbers diabetes patients with neither or only one of these co morbidities. The results of multivariate regression clearly show the significant impact these co morbidities can have on the health care expenditures of the diabetes population

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