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Cardiovascular Risk Factors Prevalence in a Moroccan Population

Auteur : Essiarab Fadwa, Taki Hassan, El Malki Abdelouahed ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2011
Type : Article
Thème : Santé
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The global burden of disease and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is huge, and in this respect Morocco is no exception. In this context, the objective of this study was to describe the prevalence and the incidence of cardiovascular risk factors in a representative sample of the Casablanca population. Our study concerned 610 subjects with a mean-age of 54.48 ± 10.87 years-old. Sociodemographics characteristics, medical history, medications intake and lifestyle factors such as tabagism, physical activity and alcohol intake were collected. Anthropometric measurements (waist circumference, waistto- hip ratio, blood pressure, BMI) and lipid profile (TC, HDL, LDL, and TG) were assessed. Our population has been subdivided into five groups: obeses, diabetics, hypertensives, diabetics and hypertensives and controls groups.

The increase of waist circumference, BMI and blood pressure and decrease of waist-to-hip ratio between patients groups and controls were not statistically significant. Only diastolic blood pressure was significantly increased in hypertensive group as compared to controls. Lipid profiles were characterized by not significant increase of TC, LDL and TG and decrease of HDL in patients while comparing to controls.

Prevalence of obesity, diabetes and hypertension were, respectively, 38.69, 38.36 (including 13.28% due to the association to hypertension) and 35.74%. Type II Diabetes Mellitus was more prevalent than Type I. 15.9% of our population are current smokers and 59.67% have sedentary lifestyle. The emergence of diabetes, during the last decade, is associated with social and demographic transition of Moroccan population.

Sedentary lifestyle, tabagism, and obesity contribute to the apparition of insulinresistance syndrome. The predominance of women in obesity prevalence might be due to psychological, hormonal and physiological statuses leading to weight gain.

Our study revealed that the Moroccan population is at high risk of CVD and CHD. Preliminary results of our study seem really alarming. Consequently, there is an urgent need for improved epidemiological investigations for planning, execution, and assessment of CVD management programs at the national ladder.

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