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Social inclusion for young people: breaking down the barriers

Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Etude
Thème : Repères du développement social
Couverture : France

Résumé/Sommaire :



Paul Kloosterman

1. Social inclusion and young people: breaking down the barriers

Helen Colley, Bryony Hoskins, Teodora Parveva and Philipp Boetzelen

2. Social exclusion and young people: some introductory remarks.

Howard Williamson

3. Disadvantage in youth transitions: constellations and policy dilemmas

Siyka Kovacheva and Axel Pohl

4. Poverty and youth transitions in Europe: an analysis of the European Communities Household Panel

Eldin Fahmy

5. Depending on their parents: risks of social exclusion among youth in north-western Spain

Daniel Blanch

6. European policies on social inclusion and youth: continuity, change and challenge

Helen Colley

7. Is there a pedagogy of social inclusion? Critical reflections on European policy and practice in school-to-work transition

Beatrix Niemeyer

8. Educated, (un)employed, activated, included – “participated”? Contradictions in supporting young people in their transitions to work

Andreas Walther

9. Monitoring policy development in the field of education for active citizenship

Bryony Hoskins

10. Kurdish women in Sweden: a feminist analysis of barriers to integration and strategies to overcome them

Amineh Kakabaveh

11. Success stories? Roma university students overcoming social exclusion in Hungary

Anna Kende

12. Racialised identities: the experiences of minority ethnic trainee teachers

Lorna Roberts

13. Social exclusion or alienation? Understanding disability oppression

Rachel Gorman

14. Social inclusion, young people and sexual health: what are the links?

Kate Philip, Janet Shucksmith, Janet Tucker and Edwin van Teijlingen

15. Fostering social inclusion through a change of language education policies: lessons from Luxembourg .

Christiane Weis

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