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Corruption in the MENA region : Between discourse and reality

Auteur : Diab Ossama, Saddouq Abdessamad, Jasim Ansar ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2015
Type : Article
Thème : Repères du développement social

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Political corruption in the MENA region
2. No corruption committed, or no justice delivered
3. The Politics of corruption in Palestine
4. The environment, main collateral damage of an unusual level of corruption
5. The fight against corruption : a battle promised, but never fought
6. The generator mafia shatters the citizens’ dream in Zahle
7. Public-private partnership
8. The malice of power
9. Corrupted still? four years after the revolution, ex-regime assets remain contentious in Tunisia
10. Illicit enrichment
11. The obligation of public information : a means to fight corruption

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