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Morocco as a Great Centre of Islamic Science and Civilisation

Auteur : Zaimeche Salah
Année de Publication : 2004
Type : Article
Thème : Culture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


There is plenty of writing on the role of Baghdad, Spain and Sicily in the rise of Islamic science and

civilisation and its impact on the world. Little is said or written about other places. Morocco is one such

place, which played a great part in elevating the human condition. Morocco’s role was in fact decisive, for it

was the principal route by which ideas and also people voyaged between East and West, especially as the

Mediterranean became increasingly unsafe for Muslim travellers following the loss of Sicily by the Muslims

(late 11th century).

To highlight the role of Morocco as a passage point, one illustration is the example of paper manufacturing.

It first started in the furthest eastern parts of the Islamic lands. Paper, originally, was brought by the

Muslims from China. From a Chinese art, the Muslims developed it into a major industry. The first paper

mill was built in Baghdad in the late years of the 8th century and early years of 9th century. Then, paper

production, like much else passed on to Syria on the way West. From Syria, it progressed further West to

Palestine, then reached Egypt around 850. From Egypt it continued further West to reach Morocco first by

the early 10th century, and then, from there crossed into Spain in 950.2 From Spain and Sicily paper making

spread to the Christians in Spain and Italy.

This is just one aspect of Morroco’s role. Another is the close relations between the two countries as far as

contacts of the learned. Maghribi students, for instance, down to the 13th century considered a sojourn in

Cordova, Murcia, or Valencia necessary to finish their course.

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