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...The Macroeconomic and sectoral performance of housing supply policies in selected MENA countries : A comparative analysis : Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, and Yemen

Auteur : Baharoglu Deniz, Peltier Nicolas, Buckley Robert; [ al.]
Année de Publication : 2005
Type : Rapport
Thème : Logement et habitat
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :


Macro-economic Linkages of the Housing Sector

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Demography and urbanization

3.3. Unemployment and capital use inefficiency

3.4 Poverty Reduction

The Problem of Affordability

4.1. The affordability problem

4.2. Low-income housing demand is left to the informal sector

Housing Market Performances

5.1 Supply factors

5.1.1 Land development regulations and ownership

5.1.2 Housing Production and Ownership

5.1.3. Property rights and titling

5.2 Factors impacting demand

5.2.1 Housing Finance

5.2.2 Housing Subsidies

Key Policy Recommendations

6.1. Policy Reforms for an Improved Housing Sector—Making Factor Markets More


6.1.1 Land and housing provision

6.1.2 Subsidies need to be enshrined in broader sectoral reforms

6.1.3. Housing Finance

6.2. Scope for further cooperation with the Bank in the housing sector

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