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Progress achieved by the Borrower in carrying out of the program of reforms

Actions taken to fulfill the second tranche conditions

-For the purpose of modernizing urban planning standards and regulations: the Borrower’s Conseil de Gouvernement has adopted a new urban planning code, satisfactory to the Bank

-For the purpose of restructuring its public sector housing companies: the Borrower has implemented a restructuring plan, satisfactory to the Bank.

-For the purpose of rationalizing and simplifving real estate taxes and subsidies: the Borrower has introduced reforms to the real estate tax system in the draft Budget Law of 2007.

-For the purpose of expanding urban slum upgrading and social housing programs: the Borrower has implemented the Cities without Slums (Villes sans Bidonvilles, VSB) program, according to an implementation plan prepared in May 2005, which shall have been evaluated on the basis of reports of the National Monitoring Committee of the VSB program.

-For the purpose of improving the efficiency of the residential rental market: the Borrower’s Conseil de Gouvernement has adopted new draft legislation to regulate the residential rental sector.

-For the purpose of providing increased access to housing finance to the low-income households: the Borrower

a) has introduced modijications in the Convention between the Borrower and the Caisse Centrale de Garantie, governing FOGARIM;

b) has made decision on the possibility of introducing an insurance premium system for FOGARIM Request of waiver of one condition

-For the purpose of providing increased access to housing finance to low-income households: the Borrower has introduced, in the draft 2006 Budget Law, an adequate financial incentive system for housing saving schemes

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