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Supply Responses to Digital Distribution: Recorded Music and Live Performances

Auteur : Holland Mortimer Julie, Nosko Chris, Sorensen Alan
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Information et communication

Résumé/Sommaire :

Changes in technologies for reproducing and redistributing digital goods (e.g., music, movies, software, books) have dramatically affected profitability of these goods, and raised concerns for future development of socially valuable digital products. However, broader illegitimate distribution of digital goods may have offsetting demand implications for legitimate sales of complementary non-digital products. We examine the negative impact of file-sharing on recorded music sales and offsetting implications for live concert performances. We find that file-sharing reduces album sales but increases live performance revenues for small artists, perhaps through increased awareness. The impact on live performance revenues for large, well-known artists is negligible.

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