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Is There Social Capital in a Social Network Site?: Facebook Use and College Students’ Life Satisfaction, Trust, and Participation

Auteur : Valenzuela Sebastian, Parka Namsu, Kee Kerk F.
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Article
Thème : Information et communication
Couverture : Etats-Unis d'Amérique

Résumé/Sommaire :

This study examines if Facebook, one of the most popular social network sites amongcollege students in the U.S., is related to attitudes and behaviors that enhance individuals’social capital. Using data from a random web survey of college students across Texas(n = 2, 603 ), we find positive relationships between intensity of Facebook use and students’life satisfaction, social trust, civic engagement, and political participation. While thesefindings should ease the concerns of those who fear that Facebook hasmostly negative effectson young adults, the positive and significant associations between Facebook variables andsocial capital were small, suggesting that online social networks are not the most effectivesolution for youth disengagement from civic duty and democracy.

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