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Establishment of an African University Consortium for Land Information Systems (AUCLIS)

Auteur : El-Ayachi Moha
Type : Article
Thème : Information et communication
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The land in a continent as Africa is an economic resource, a basis of wealth promoting growth and human

development, and a tool of empowering and governing. Most of native africans are peasants and have their

main living and fundmuntal insfrastructures based on land and land resources. Then, land adminastrating and

management which are largelly tied to the diversity of the local cultural and traditional practicies should be

enhanced in a good and scientific manner. For such purpose, african universities will play a major role in

promoting a scientific revolution throught innovation and technology development. Certainly, every

university has its own scientific community living inside or abroad.

To make progress, it is indisponsible to gather universities efforts, create favorable conditions to drain african

brains, and encourage research to face many challengies in a world dominated by the knowledge economy.

Knowledge does not arise simply from having access to large amount of information but by exchanging ideas

to which values have been added by particular experience of each university context. Indeed, a consortium of

universities dealing with land information is extremely needed. The so called an African University

Consortium for Land Information Systems (AUCLIS) has the aim to establish a mechanism networking

universities that furnish education and training in land information systems and land information

management. As an academic consortium of researchers, it will provide a series of tools enabling

communication, development, and sharing of educational and research experiencies among the community of

universities specialised in LIS/LIM across Africa.

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