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Knowledge production in Morocco: Current realities and future prospects

Auteur : Elmeski Mohammed
Date de publication : 30/04/2008
Type : Article
Thème : Information et communication
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This paper conducts a SWOC analysis of the system of knowledge production in Morocco. The purpose behind this analysis is to take stock of existing strengths and opportunities, and to highlight existing weaknesses and future challenges for a knowledge based economy. In addition to the analysis, this paper examines how the literature on innovative knowledge production for continuous innovation societies (CIS) (Harkins & Kubik, 2006) could be of relevance to the development of unorthodox knowledge formats and applications that nurture innovative thinking as a way of life and not just as a component of education reform.

This paper starts with an introductory overview that touches on the geography, the people, the system of government, and the economy of Morocco. Next, it conducts a SWOC analysis that examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the Moroccan knowledge production system. The final section in this paper focuses on innovative education reform for a knowledge producing society. This section tries to synthesize some of the literature from the LeapFrog Institutes, Harkins and Kubik (2006), Verna Allee (2003), and the Flaxo Mexico Open Seminar blog and slides. The goals is to suggest some best practices for what a creative Moroccan knowledge producing society could look like.

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