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E-Morocco 2010 Strategy: Accomplishments, Perspectives & Action Plans -Towards building our information and knowledge society-

Collectivite Auteur : Kingdom of Morocco. Ministry of Industry, Trade and New Technologies. Department of Post, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies
Année de Publication : 2007
Type : Rapport
Thème : Information et communication
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a major component of

globalization, revealing the advent of Information and Knowledge Society and characterizing our era in an

irreversible manner.

For Morocco, Information Society constitutes an inevitable element for human development, social

cohesion and economic growth.

Indeed, thanks to the opportunities that they open and resources that they generate, ICTs constitute one

of the indispensable levers for the success of the National Initiative for Human Development (NIHD),

launched by His Majesty the King in November 2005.

This is how the generalization of the use of ICT as well as the provision of useful and accessible content

constitute a reliable means to develop the potential of human capacities in our country. Besides, the

Citizen's relation with the administration can evolve rapidly: the reform of public service no longer means

the simplification of administrative procedures, but also the on-lining thereof, abolishing thereby any

constraint of trip-making and waiting. The State is hence closer, and its decisions more transparent.

Moreover, ICT can increase the competitiveness of Moroccan companies through a better circulation of

information, a better organization, and through the emergence of new markets as well as new outlets for


Finally, the smooth operation of exchanges and the decrease of costs pertaining to transactions constitute

the foundations of new service markets, where information is considered both raw material and finished

product. The development of software programs, the integration of systems and relocation are the

components of a Moroccan ICT Industry that serves as an exporter as well as a creator of wealth and


It is for the purpose of facing all these challenges that e-Morocco 2010 Strategy for the development of

information society and knowledge economy has been launched in January 2005. In its midway this

strategy has already allowed remarkable progress.

On the one hand, the Internet is developing; telephony, in particular the mobile one, witnesses

unprecedented success; while the new generation networks spread out at high speed. The quality and

quantity of the available contents undergo remarkable growth. Morocco currently occupies the position of

continental and regional leader in several domains relating to ICTs; and beyond the considerable

expansion of a new employment-generating industry, information technologies contribute to making all

businesses more effective and more reactive.

On the other hand, the reinforcement that e-Morocco 2010 Strategy environment has undergone -legal,

financial and partnership-related – has established a genuine climate of trust among the different actors:

public, private, civil society and international partners. This comity ensures the continuity of

accomplishing and implementing projects.

Nevertheless, several handicaps still persist and certain adequate and specific solutions are necessary to

overcome them: digital illiteracy, interregional digital ditch and weaknesses recorded at the level of

cultural, social and local content.

The challenge is therefore twofold: to accelerate the implementation pace of the strategy and to eliminate

the recorded deficiencies. The levers to face this challenge are numerous: management of the change,

modernization of the education system by means of ICT, promotion of innovation, reinforcement of the

public-private-research partnership, strengthening of the legal and financial environment and confirmation

of « e-leadership ».

The present document is both a balance sheet and an updated road map of e-Morocco 2010 Strategy.

Enhancing the advances recorded as well as the little-known experiences, the document aims at arousing

an impulse of the dynamics underway, as well as highlighting the efforts to develop information society

and knowledge economy in our country

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