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Brazil – Morocco : A Roadmap Ahead

Auteur : De Freitas Marcus Vinícius
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Etat – Politique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Thinking creatively the bilateral relationship of Brazil and Morocco is quintessential for enhancing its reach and possibilities. The world is currently facing enormous changes whose outcomes are unpredictable. From a revival in the cold war realist dispute of power between the United States and Russia, the collapse of International Law in relation to Ukraine, Crimea and the South China Sea, BREXIT and the imponderable results that may impact the European Union and to the possible disengagement of the United States during President Donald Trump’s term, the global chessboard faces issues and challenges that are unprecedented. Such challenges should lead to a realignment of hearts, minds, strategies and partnerships. Such challenges require innovation and creativity.
Morocco and Brazil have concentrated their partnerships with Europe and the United States.
Diversification in political and economic alliances with influential countries at the regional and global level is the new game.
This paper focuses on the improvement of the political and economic relationship between Brazil and Morocco. Brazil is an emerging investor in the Africa and should intensify trade with the region.
Morocco should serve as Brazil entry door not only to Africa but also into the Arab world. With more than 100 years of continuous relationship, Brazil and Morocco should forge new points in their partnership to secure greater growth and development, particularly in sectors not yet exploited by European, American or Chinese companies.
Great partnerships only happen after many successful negotiations take place. It is time to negotiate, find synergies and secure greater cooperation between those two global powers.

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