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Stocktaking report : Morocco : Progress with economic governance reforms

Auteur : Ramos Gabriela, Pinaud Nicolas, El Ghrib Abdelkader ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2017
Type : Rapport
Thème : Etat – Politique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Compact for economic governance : Morocco indicator dashboard
II. Overview of the Moroccan economy
III. Pillar I : designing sound economic policies for an inclusive and sustainable market economy
A. Strengthening growth dynamics and productivity gains in order to speed up the process of economic catch-up
B. Accelerating work on key projects and reallocating the factors of production toward sectors with greater value added, in order to bring growth up to its potential level
C. Promoting more equitable and inclusive growth
IV. Pillar II : enhancing the transparency and efficiency of public institutions and processes
A. Making public strategies and policies consistent and co-ordinating their implementation for greater convergence and effectiveness
B. Reforming public sector governance for greater transparency, effectiveness, quality public services make the public sector more effective
C. Reforming the public financial management to free up fiscal space in favour of economic effectiveness and social inclusion
V. Pillar III. Building an attractive environment for investment and private sector development
A. Address constraints to private sector development to expand business opportunities and exploit the potential for growth
B. Developing a modern and competitive industrial base for economic emergence
C. Promoting SME development to move them up the value chains
D. Upgrading human capital to make it the cornerstone of competitiveness and inclusion
E. Modernising the financial sector so strengthen its intermediation role and promote financial inclusion
VI. Pillar IV. involving the public and civil society and the business community in decision-making
A. Promoting the involvement of civil society and citizens in decision-making
B. Deepening and systematising public-private dialogue to give effect to participatory democracy and promote inclusion
C. Promoting women's empowerment and the participation of women and youth

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