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Auteur : Cassese Sabino, Savino Mario
Année de Publication : 2004
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Etat – Politique
Couverture : Italie

Résumé/Sommaire :


1. The Impact of Globalization on the State

1.1. The Network of Supranational Public Powers

1.2. Global Networks of National Powers

1.3. Global Standards for National Powers

2. Effects

2.1 “ Ius Commune” and the Communication between Legal Systems

2.2. Weak Legitimation through Consent

2.3. Legitimation through Law

3. Consequences

3.1. The Choice of Law

3.2. Competition between Legal Systems?

4. The Reactions of State System

4.1. A Different Legislation

4.2. A Different Administration: Administrative Reform

5. Administrative Reform in Italy

5.1. Reform of the Functions: Decentralization and Privatization

5.2. Reform of the Organization: Specialization, Reform of the “Center” and Coordination with the European Level

5.3. Reform of Personnel: Privatization of Public Employment and Reform of the High


5.4. Reform of the Budget: From the Budget as a Means of Spending Containment to Super Budgeting.

5.5. Reform of the Instruments of Control: Evaluation of Outcomes and the Citizen’s Charter

5.6. Reform of the Procedures: Law 241/1990 and the Policy of Simplification

5.7 An Assessment of the Italian Reforms

6. Administrative Reform in Other Legal Systems and at the Global Level

6.1. Relationships between the National and Global Levels

6.2. Relationships between Politics and Administration

6.3. Efficiency

6.4. New Public Management

6.5. The Advantages of More Efficient Administration from a Global Perspective

7. Conclusions

8. Bibliography

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