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Census of population and housing of Morocco: From decennial census to continuous census

Auteur : Marseli Oussama
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Article
Thème : Démographie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Morocco’s triple demographic, economic and politic transition calls for up-to-date data at the finest geographical levels (e.g. communes, rural areas, neighborhoods). Census of Population and Housing, carried out every 10 years, is the most comprehensive source of demographic and socioeconomic data on the population of Morocco, at the local level. Since the last 2004 census, poverty and unemployment rates have declined by 5.2 and 1 point at the national level, respectively (HCP, 2008a). However, data at the commune level will not be available -under the current scheme- before 2014. Countries such as France and the USA have developed revolutionary census designs to increase timeliness of results, to improve coverage and to spread ever increasing costs of undertaking censuses. Through the review of these experiences as well as the practices of sampling at the National Statistics Office of Morocco, this paper proposes methods of conducting a rolling census of Morocco.

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