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8 Billion Lives, INFINITE POSSIBILITIES : the case for rights and choices : state of World Population report 2023

Auteur : Dakshi Ardit, Donțu Diana, Ferorelli Josephine ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2023
Type : Rapport
Thème : Démographie
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

Chapter 1 :
-FEATURE : It’s not about the number, it’s about the quality of life
-IN FOCUS : Too many, too few : the long history of population debates
Chapter 2 :
-FEATURE : Young people forge new paths
-FEATURE : With covert contraceptive use, women challenge men’s power over childbearing decisions
-FEATURE : Family planning: a climate change survival strategy
-IN FOCUS : The fallacies of aiming for replacement-level fertility
Chapter 3 :
-FEATURE : Wooing Balkan repats
-FEATURE : Expectations about women’s roles at work and at home drag marriage and fertility rates to new lows
-FEATURE : Family-friendly workplaces to support demographic resilience
-IN FOCUS : Migration is part of the solution
Chapter 4 :
-FEATURE : Needs of infertile couples can be overlooked in a world fixated on population growth
-FEATURE : Imagining a better future
-FEATURE : Viewing vasectomy as an empowering act of love
-IN FOCUS : A look at the most vulnerable : early adolescent pregnancies and the violation of rights
Chapter 5 :
-FEATURE : For accurate and credible data, participation and trust are key

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