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Rural Communities and Migration : An Assessment of Migration Factors in the South Mediterranean

Auteur : McLean Alexis
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Etude
Thème : Démographie

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Characteristics of rural development
1.1 Rural-urban disparities
Divergence in poverty levels
Divergence in educational attainment
Divergence in infrastructure provision
1.2 Prospects for agriculture
Agriculture and the economy in the South Mediterranean
National strategies for agriculture
1.3 Exposure to climate change and water scarcity
2. Emigration in the context of structural transformation
2.1 A review of rural migration determinants
Informality and concentration of rural labour markets
Social and cultural norms
Youth aspirations and education
2.2 Trends in internal migration
2.3 Trends in international migration
Mapping rural international migrants
Engagement of the rural diaspora
3. Immigration and reintegration
3.1 An overview of immigration patterns
3.2 Foreign agricultural workers in Jordan
3.3 Characteristics of returns in rural areas
Concluding remarks

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