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Linking human capital, labour markets and international mobility : An assessment of challenges in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Collectivite Auteur : American University in Cairo. Center for Migration and Refugee Studies
Année de Publication : 2020
Type : Etude
Thème : Démographie

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Demographic and macroeconomic conditions
A. Macroeconomic indicators
B. Demographic trends
1. Demographic change and demographic dividend
2. Age structure of the population distribution
C. Education trends
1. Policies
2. Technical and vocational education and training
D. Labour market trends
1. Labour force growth
2. Unemployment
3. Informal employment
4. Labour market demand by profession and economic sector
II. Human capital, labour markets and mismatch
A. Skills mismatch
B. Information mismatch
C. ALMPs to address mismatch
III. International migration in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia
A. Migration history
B. Levels and trends of international migration
C. Age/gender composition of migrants in EJMT
D. Drivers of migration to EJMT
E. EJMT migrants worldwide : emigration
F. Drivers of migration from EJMT
G. Transit migration
IV. Migration and development
A. Remittances
B. Transfer of knowledge by expatriate nationals
C. Investment
D. Brain drain and migration of the highly skilled
V. Institutional frameworks
A. Migration governance in Egypt
B. Migration governance in Jordan
C. Migration governance in Morocco
D. Migration governance in Tunisia
VI. Labour (mis)match and migration policies for foreigners
VII. Recommendations
A. International cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region
B. Education
C. Labour market
D. Data
E. Mismatch
F. Migration

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