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ETHICAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH: General reflexions and situation in France

Auteur : Lefèvre Cécile, Rohrbasser Jean-Marc
Année de Publication : 2009
Type : Actes de congrès / Séminaire / Atelier
Thème : Démographie
Couverture : France

Résumé/Sommaire :

This paper will treat ethical questions and deontological problems specific to a particular type of researcher in social sciences: the demographer. After an overview of definitions (ethics, morality and deontology), we shall treat the deontological situation of the demographer as a researcher collecting and using data gathered from other human beings. Here, we are concerned with exploratory sociodemographic surveys and not, therefore, the production of censuses and civil records. Some examples linked to recent surveys (Gender and Generation Surveys (GGS) ; Longitudinal studies of children (ELFE); Survey of migration between the Senegal and Europe (MAFE), etc.) will illustrate our purpose. They will enable us to address pragmatically the questions of enlightened consent and communication of results. Finally, we shall introduce the main elements of the French context.

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