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Macroeconomic Aspects of the New Demography in the Middle East and North Africa

Auteur : Yousef Tarik M.
Type : Rapport
Thème : Démographie

Résumé/Sommaire :

Although population growth rates in MENA are on a sustainable downward trajectory,

the age structure is rapidly changing in favor of those of working-age. Young and

unmarried adults seeking work and housing are increasing in numbers, a trend that is

likely to intensify in the next two decades. These young cohorts provide an opportunity

for invigorating economic performance through rapid accumulation and faster growth.

But the mechanics of the demographic transition require well-functioning markets and

institutions where a sustained policy effort is needed. If the slow pace of job creation

persists and the private sector remains a marginal player, unemployment will rise fueling

social and political tensions.Given its aging population, Europe stands to gain in the longrun

from the rising numbers of working age adults in MENA. While the gates into

Europe remain closed to emigration from MENA, the EU should support initiatives

aimed at channeling investment and creating jobs in the region.

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