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Language policy in Morocco : tracing ideological layers in the official texts

Auteur : Laanani Khalid, Fathi Said
Année de Publication : 2024
Type : Article
Thème : Culture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This paper presents an intertextual analysis of official language policy in Morocco. The study aims to map the intertextual links between a corpus of official language policy documents and seeks to trace how particular official texts extend or modify other existing texts. Specifically, it sheds light on the accommodation, foregrounding, or backgrounding of specific language ideologies shared by these texts. Using dedicated software, a corpus comprising 16 diverse official documents was constructed. The paper employs Corpus Linguistics (CL) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) techniques. The results of the study revealed compelling intertextual links within the corpus. Horizontal intertextuality analysis exposed intricate relationships with a chain of texts, highlighting manifest links related to themes such as plurilingualism, media of instruction diversification, functional use of languages, and the treatment of Tamazight. These links illuminated how embedded discourses and language ideologies serve ideological language-related agendas. Vertical intertextuality analysis showcased the entrenchment of certain beliefs and ideologies about national languages and demonstrated how it recontextualises humanist concepts such as equality and equity to align with the international discourse about education. Overall, by examining the intertextual dynamics in key official documents, this study contributes a nuanced understanding of Morocco's language policy landscape.

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