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Employment of the Behavioral Theory in Teaching the Arabic Language

Auteur : Abdul Hassan Abdul Ameer Ahmed
Année de Publication : 2012
Type : Article
Thème : Culture

Résumé/Sommaire :

been so easy to be acquired by children; therefore the scientists stopped at the lingual phenomena and they tried to put many theories that explain the process of language acquisition and then they tried to explain the way of language learning according to particular theories such as the knowledgment theory, constructive theory, generative theory and the behavioral theory. In this research, the searcher tried with a humble effort to explain language learning according to the principles of the behavioral theory so as by employing the laws of this theory to get the advantage when apply it through language learning in general and Arabic language learning in a particular way and this is due to the principle that the lingual behavior is one of the human being behaviors acquired in his life, this is from one side, from another side many searchers stayed away from this theory laws as they were believed that they are useless while the truth proved that we take advantage from all the theories in language learning the same way of the capability of employing the laws of all these theories in the successful of the lingual learning process. Therefore the searcher insists on employ the principles of the behavioral theory in the process of language learning then he proved many of the theoretical diagrams (sequences) such as the diagram of the learning process, diagram of the effect law in lingual learning, diagram of the readiness law in the lingual learning and the diagram of the repetition law in the lingual learning. Then the searcher tried to prove the successful of the process of employing the laws of the behavioral theory in language learning by taking advantage of showing many of the specialists experiments and then he showed many examples which already had been registered and tried through the searcher experience in this field and through many researches conducted by the searcher himself.

Finally, the searcher proved many important aspects in the was of employing the principles of the behavioral theory in the lingual learning.

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