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Darija's dilemma in defining Moroccan identity

Auteur : Anshasi Amina
Date de publication : 13/05/2024
Type : Article
Thème : Culture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

The relationship between language and national identity has become increasingly significant in the context of globalization, where nations grapple with the complexities of cultural diversity and collective belonging. Language serves as a powerful tool through which shared values, traditions, and historical narratives are transmitted and preserved, shaping the formation of national identity and influencing government policies. In Morocco, the linguistic phenomenon of
Darija exemplifies the intricate interplay between linguistic diversity and national identity, reflecting centuries of historical interactions, conquests, and power dynamics. As a conglomerate of Arabic, Amazigh, French, and Spanish influences, Darija embodies Morocco's multicultural heritage and serves as a symbolic marker of collective belonging within a diverse society. By exploring the multifaceted relationship between language and national identity in Morocco, we gain insight into the complex socio-political dynamics that shape the contours of national identity and cultural continuity within diverse socio- and geo-political contexts.
We also begin to see the cracks of the multilingual structure present in Morocco, and how the lack of a cohesive language for the national identity creates tension and ethnic divide within the country.

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