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Assessing Moroccan University Students’ English Learning Motivation : A Comparative Study

Auteur : Omari Otmane, Moubtassime Mohammed, Ridouani Driss
Date de publication : 28/02/2018
Type : Article
Thème : Culture
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

This study seeks to survey whether students are motivated to learn English or not and to evaluate the differences within and between three most known universities in Morocco, involving a private one, in terms of students’ English learning motivation. Moreover, factors that make a student more motivated to learn English were investigated. This study examines motivation of university students according to their institution, gender, and other variables. Assessment of university students’ motivation was by scores on items from the Academic Motivation Scale.
The sample consisted of 329 undergraduate students from three different Moroccan universities.
The most important finding was that participants in general are quite motivated to learn English with a score of (M = 3.80) with regard to the overall score using a 5-point Likert scale, and a higher level of introjected extrinsic motivation (M = 4.11), which means that they do such tasks because they are supposed or asked to do them. Moreover, factors such as how students consider university, their location during the academic year, and their decision behind choosing to go to university were found to affect students’ motivation.

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