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Auteur : Saget Catherine, Moazam Mahmood, Sangheon Lee ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Travail et Emploi

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Environmental sustainability and decent work
A. Economic growth, decent work and environmental degradation
B. The relationship between progress towards environmental sustainability and progress towards decent work
C. The tight link between jobs and the environment
2. Employment and the role of workers and employers in a green economy
A. Job creation and job destruction in the transition to a green economy
B. Green jobs
C. Green enterprises: Key actors in the transition
3. Regulatory frameworks: Integration, partnerships and dialogue
A. Integration of environmental protection and labour issues at the international level
B. Mainstreaming decent work in laws and policies at the national level
C. Greening the workplace through social dialogue
4. Protecting workers and the environment
A. The link between poverty, social protection, income security and the environment
B. Unemployment protection and structural transformation in the context of climate change
C. Cash transfer programmes
D. Public employment programmes
E. Payments for ecosystem services
F. Simulation
5. Skills for the green transition
A. Skills development regulations and policies
B. Skills development programmes and initiatives for greening the economy
C. Mapping the institutional structure of skills policies and programmes

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