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Morocco’s Jobs Landscape : Identifying Constraints to an Inclusive Labor Market : INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOCUS

Auteur : Gladys Lopez-Acevedo, Betcherman Gordon, Khellaf Ayache ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2021
Type : Rapport
Thème : Travail et Emploi
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

CHAPTER 1 : Introduction
- Development and jobs in Morocco
- Morocco’s labor market and challenges to job growth
- Report outline
CHAPTER 2 : Economic, Demographic, and Policy Trends
- Economic growth and employment
- Key policy areas affecting jobs
CHAPTER 3 : Labor Market Trends
- A snapshot of Moroccan workers
- Profiles of the working-age population: The inactive, the unemployed, and the employed
- Where Moroccans work : Employment sectors and their characteristics
- Where Moroccans work : Firms and their characteristics
CHAPTER 4 : Labor Market Challenges
- Generating more jobs by accelerating structural transformation
- Bringing youth into the labor market
- Bringing women into the labor market
CHAPTER 5 : Conclusions and the Way Forward
- Supporting the creation of more and better jobs in higherproductivity sectors
- Encouraging formalization
- Increasing female labor force participation and connecting women to better jobs
- Supporting youth in their transition from education to the labor market

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