Auteur :
...[et al.]
Année de Publication :
Type : Rapport
Thème : Travail et Emploi
Part 1 : literature, analysis and measurement of inclusive growth
1. Literature review
1.1 From growth and equity to poverty reduction and back?
1.2 What is inclusive growth?
2. Inclusive growth in the MENA context
2.1 Growth and structural change
2.2 Demographic trends and characteristics
2.3 Labour force and employment
2.4 Poverty
2.5 Inequality
2.6 Access to social goods and services
3. Measuring inclusive growth in MENA
Part 2 : selected MENA case studies of inclusive growth – wage disparities, job creation in micro and small enterprises and access to finance
4. Inequality dimension of inclusive growth : wage adjustments and disparities during economic crises in Egypt and Jordan
4.1 Conceptual issues and review of related studies
4.2 Wage adjustments during economic liberalization in Egypt and Jordan
4.3 Data and empirical model
4.4 Estimating hourly wage differentials using wage equations
4.5 Conclusion
5. The potential contribution of micro and small enterprises to inclusive growth : evidence from enterprise surveys in Egypt and MENA
5.2 Overview of MSEs environment in Egypt
5.3 Relevant definitions and key concepts
5.4 Comparison with MSE sector in Lebanon and Turkey
5.5 The micro and small enterprise data in comparison to other surveys
5.6 Characteristics of enterprises and entrepreneurs in MSES data : 2003-2011
5.7 Conclusion and policy implications
6 Household-based enterprises in Egypt : formality, access to finance and determinants of wealth
6.1 Overview of previous studies : access to finance for micro and small enterprises in MENA and Egypt
6.2 Developments in micro and small enterprises based on household enterprise module of ELMPS : 2006-2012
6.3 Access to finance by size and formality of enterprises
6.4 Determinants of wealth of MSES from panel and cross sectional data : 2006-2012