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World Employment and Social Outlook : Trends 2018

Auteur : Escudero Veronica, Kühn Stefan, Milasi Santo ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Travail et Emploi
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

1. Global employment and social trends
2. Employment and social trends by region
- Africa
- Americas
- Arab States
- Asia and the Pacific
- Europe and Central Asia
3. Structural transformation and implications for future job quality
- Long-term trends in sectoral employment
- Sectoral variation in employment arrangements and working conditions
- Projected change in employment conditions due to sectoral employment trends
4. Population ageing and future labour market challenges
- A. Country groupings by region and income level
- B. Labour market estimates and projections
- C. Changes to the estimates and projections : Trends Econometric Models (TEM) 2017 versus 2016
- D. Countries, sources and periods used in the analysis of employment conditions at the sectoral level
- E. Labour market and social statistics by ILO region

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