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Auteur : Ayadi Rym, Biltagy Marwa, Alshyab Nooh ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Etude
Thème : Travail et Emploi
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Executive summary
1. Education systems in Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia
2. Labour market conditions in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia
3. Strategic issues concerning regional migration
II. Human capital, labour market frictions and migration in Egypt
1. Education system : structure and key challenges
- Characteristics of the Egyptian education system
- Quality and Effectiveness of Education
- Reform policies and action plans
2. Characteristics of the Labour Market
- The institutional framework
- The Egyptian labour market: an overview
- Recent labour market trends
3. Migration
4. Conclusion and policy implications
III. Human capital, labour market frictions and migration in Jordan
1. Education system : structure and key challenges
- Characteristics of the Jordanian Education System
- Quality and effectiveness of education
2. Characteristics of the labour market
- The institutional framework
- The Jordanian labour Market : an Overview
- Recent labour market trends
- Employment policies
3. Characteristics of youth
4. Migration
Conclusion and policy implications
IV. Human capital, labour market frictions and migration in Morocco
1. Education system : structure and key Challenges
- Characteristics of the Moroccan Education System
- Quality and Effectiveness of Education
- Different Reform Policies and Action Plans
2. Characteristics of the Moroccan labour market
- The institutional framework
- The Moroccan labour market : an overview
- Recent labour market trends
3. Characteristics of youth in Morocco
- Migration
- Emigration trends and the impact of Moroccan migrants and returnees
- From an emigration country to an immigration destination
V. Human capital, labour market frictions and migration in Tunisia
1. Education system : structure and key challenges
- Characteristics of the Tunisian education system
- Quality and effectiveness of education
2. Characteristics of Tunisian labour market
- The institutional framework
- Recent labour market trends
3. Characteristics of youth in Tunisia
4. Migration
5. Conclusion and main findings

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