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Unemployment among immigrants in European labour markets: an analysis of origin and destination effects

Auteur : Fleischmann Fenella, Dronkers Jaap
Année de Publication : 2010
Type : Article
Thème : Travail et Emploi

Résumé/Sommaire :

This article presents a multilevel analysis of 1363 male and female first- and secondgeneration immigrants’ unemployment rates. In addition to individual characteristics, the effects of macro-characteristics of 13 destination countries in the EU and of more than 100 origin countries of the immigrants are analysed. Immigrants are found to be more often unemployed in countries where natives have higher unemployment rates. Immigrants’ unemployment rates are lower in countries with a larger segment of low-status jobs, with higher immigration rates and with a higher GDP per capita. Destination countries’ integration policies and welfare state regimes do not affect the unemployment risk of immigrants. At the level of origin countries, immigrants from more politically stable and free, more developed and more wealthy societies are found to be less often unemployed. Immigrants coming from Islamic countries have higher rates of unemployment, while those originating from Western Europe are less likely to be unemployed.

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