Auteur :
Date de publication : 26/12/2023
Type : Article
Thème : Transport
Couverture : Maroc
Morocco's geopolitical position and expertise place it at the forefront of tourism car production in Africa and the 25th position globally in 2021 and 2022 respectively, and 8th worldwide in terms of growth by 15%. This performance
warrants a thorough study of the sector both statistically and in terms of integrating the philosophy of Operational Excellence (OpEx). To date, no large-scale research has been conducted on the state of adoption and integration of the OpEx approach in Moroccan automotive companies. This research aims first to identify and analyze all Moroccan automotive companies based on several characteristics (origin, ecosystem, location, etc.) and to examine the level of integration and the impact factors of OpEx within these companies. Specifically, the study will focus on the level of implementation of OpEx for optimizing performance in the Moroccan automotive ecosystem. To achieve this objective, a benchmark analysis of the automotive ecosystem, as well as survey research through questionnaires and direct interviews, are used. The results of this study, based on descriptive statistics, are subsequently analyzed