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Collectivite Auteur : United Nations. UNCTAD Secretariat
Année de Publication : 1997
Type : Rapport
Thème : Transport
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

I. Development of international seaborne trade
A. World economic background
B. World seaborne trade
II. Development of the world fleet
A. Structure of the world fleet
B. Ownership of the world fleet
C. The 35 most important maritime countries and territories
D. Major open registries
E. Shipbuilding, second-hand market and demolition
III. Productivity of the world fleet and the supply and demand situation in world shipping
A. Comparison of cargo turnover and fleet ownership
B. Estimate of tons and ton-miles per dwt
C. Supply and demand in world shipping
IV. Freight markets
A. Freight rates of major liner trades: TransPacific, TransAtlantic and Europe-Asia
B. Liner freight index
C. Liner freight rates as a percentage of prices for selected commodities
D. Containership charter marker
E. Dry bulk freight market
F. Oil and oil products seaborne freight market
G. Estimates of total freight costs in the world
V. Port development
A. Container port traffic
B. Institutional restructuring in ports
C. Port performance
D. Port terminal security
E. Ship-to-shore crane orders
VI. Trade and transport efficiency
A. Trade efficiency
B. Multimodal transport and technological developments
C. Information technology in transport
D. Other developments
VII. Review of regional developments: Small island developing countries
A. Economic background
B. Costs of transport
C. Overview of the current situation in shipping

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