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The Least Developed Countries Report 2018 : Entrepreneurship for structural transformation : Beyond business as usual

Auteur : Traeger Rolf, Bolaky Bineswaree, Collardeau-Angleys Agnès ...[et al.]
Année de Publication : 2018
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement économique
Couverture : Maroc

Résumé/Sommaire :

CHAPTER 1 : Sustainable development, structural transformation and entrepreneurship
A. Introduction
B. Sustainable development and structural transformation
C. Entrepreneurship as a concept
D. Entrepreneurship and structural transformation
E. Determinants of entrepreneurship
F. Conclusion
CHAPTER 2 : Towards a nuanced appraisal of the entrepreneurial landscape in the least developed countries
A. Introduction
B. The measurement of entrepreneurship
C. Entrepreneurship in the least developed countries: Stylized facts
D. Key sectors in the least developed countries: The informal sector and rural enterprise
E. Firm heterogeneity and structural transformation
F. Concluding remarks
CHAPTER 3 : The local entrepreneurship dimension of global production systems
A. Introduction
B. Global value chains and entrepreneurship
C. Participation of the least developed countries in global value chains
D. Global value chains and beyond
CHAPTER 4 : Entrepreneurship in the least developed countries: Major constraints and current policy frameworks
A. Introduction
B. Constraints to the emergence and growth of firms
C. Key obstacles to enterprise
D. Current policy frameworks for entrepreneurship and structural transformation
CHAPTER 5 : Policies for transformational entrepreneurship
A. Introduction
B. Policy principles
C. Entrepreneurship policies
D. Entrepreneurship within general economic policies
E. Entrepreneurship and the developmental State
F. Summary and conclusions

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