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Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2022

Collectivite Auteur : United Nations
Année de Publication : 2022
Type : Rapport
Thème : Repères du développement économique

Résumé/Sommaire :

I- The global economic context and its implications for sustainable development
1. Introduction
2. Outlook and risks for the global economy
II Overcoming the “great finance divide”
1. Introduction
2. The great finance divide
3. multifaceted policy response
III.A- Domestic public resources
III.B- Domestic and international private business and finance
III.C International development cooperation
III.D- International trade as an engine for development
III.E- Debt and debt sustainability
III.F-Addressing systemic issues
III.G-Science, technology, innovation and capacity building
IV Data, monitoring and follow-up
1. Key messages and recommendations
2. The impact of COVID-19
3. Accessibility and innovation
4. Strengthening national statistical systems
5. Data frameworks, measurements and collection

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