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Résumé/Sommaire :

I- Overview
The economic impacts of the pandemic
The economic policy response to the pandemic: Swift but with large variation across countries
Resolving financial risks: A prerequisite for an equitable recovery
II- Introduction
Impacts on households
Impacts on firms
Impacts on the financial sector
The short-term government response and its impact on public finances
III- Chapter 1: Emerging risks to the recovery
Interconnected financial risks across the economy
From health crisis to financial distress: Emerging risks to the recovery
The global economy
Spotlight 1.1: Financial inclusion and financial resilience
IV- Chapter 2: Resolving bank asset distress
Why do NPLs matter?
Identifying NPLs: Asset quality, bank capital, and effective supervision
Building capacity to manage rising volumes of bad debts
Dealing with problem banks
Spotlight 2.1: Strengthening the regulation and supervision of microfinance institutions
V-Chapter 3: Restructuring firm and household debt
Why should anyone care about insolvency systems?
Strengthening formal insolvency mechanisms
Facilitating alternative dispute resolution systems such as conciliation and mediation
Establishing accessible and inexpensive in-court and out-of-court debt resolution procedures for MSMEs
Promoting debt forgiveness and discharge of natural person debtors
Spotlight 3.1: Supporting microfinance to sustain small businesses
VI- Chapter 4: Lending during the recovery and beyond
Solving the COVID-19 risk puzzle: Risk visibility and recourse
Improving risk mitigation
Policies to enable access to credit and address risks
Spotlight 4.1: Public credit guarantee schemes
VII- Chapter 5: Managing sovereign debt
The impact of COVID-19 on sovereign debt
The human costs of debt crises
New challenges in managing and resolving sovereign debt
Managing sovereign debt and resolving sovereign debt distress
Looking ahead: Reforms to mobilize revenue, improve transparency, and facilitate debt negotiations
Spotlight 5.1: Greening capital markets: Sovereign sustainable bonds
VIII- Chapter 6: Policy priorities for the recovery
Tackling the most urgent sources of risk
Managing domestic risks to the recovery
Managing interrelated risks across the global economy
Seizing the opportunity to build a more sustainable world economy

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